Welcome to Limited Company Insurance. Great Value Professional Indemnity Insurance From £88! Tailored to Meet the Needs of Freelance Contractors. Easy & Fast Online Quotes.
Limited Company Insurance provides a quick online professional indemnity insurance quote, which can be tailored to your unique requirements.
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IT / Computer Contractors
Engineering Contractors
Interim Management
Management Consultancy
Energy Contractors
Health & Wellbeing
New Media & Creative Consultants
A Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy from Limited Company Insurance will provide you with cover for any advice you give, or for any error or omission in any part of work carried out by you. If your client suffers a financial loss caused by a mistake, or you being negligent in services you have provided, your business will be protected against claims made against you. Your legal costs to defend a claim made against you will also be covered by this policy.

It may be that it is a requirement of your contract with your client that you have professional indemnity insurance in place, depending on the work that you carry out and what your responsibilities are.
Retroactive Cover & Claims Made
Professional Indemnity Insurance provided by us is written on a claims made basis. This means that insurance must be in place at the time a claim is made, rather than when the event the led to the claim occurred.
Professional Indemnity Insurance from Limited Company Insurance will automatically include retroactive insurance cover at no extra cost, back to the day that you started trading, or to the date of incorporation of your company.
Most PI insurance policies have the option to include this retroactive cover in order to provide you with protection against a claim which may arise from any work which you have carried out whilst covered by an earlier policy.
Generally speaking, this would only provide cover back to the last break in continuous cover, and would also be at an extra cost to include. This premium would vary depending on the length of the period which is to be covered.
Some of the benefits or purchasing a policy through Limited Company Insurance include: